
Welcome to my blog - legacy style

Please note the following:

1. Chapters 1-65 are here. Chapters 66+ are at The Sims Daily. This story is a work in progress.

2. This is purely for fun - my own and hopefully yours. Please enjoy. Friendly feedback is always welcome, but please no comments on the status of my soul because of things my sims do.

3. Posted pictures are made smaller by blogspot. If you want to see the original size (usually 800 x 451) just click on the picture.

4. CPBTK = Crazy Person Behind the Keyboard, or me.

5. This story was originally posted at LivingSims, so there are comments regarding specific people in some places. If you don't know who these people are, just ignore the comments. They are fabulous people, though, so if you want to get to know them, click the LivingSims button to the right and come join in the fun!

6. I do not edit out "butt shots". If naked pixelated behinds offend you, please do not read. No frontal nudity is shown.

7. I cheat. A lot. And I have many, many mods in my game. Be forewarned!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chapter 40

Before leaving China, Ainsley stopped at the market to buy some martial arts equipment, then returned to the academy for some sparing.

Ainsley, I don't think you are supposed to show fear.


Some meditation helps her to think about what is best for her future.

The entrance with the new treasures she and Emile picked up on their trip.

Ainsley works in her garden while Emile plays with the block breaker.

Emile has been supporting Ainsley in her goal to have an even more amazing garden. He takes care of all her dead plants for her.

You would think with her love life, garden, painting, and travel Ainsley would have enough to do. But no, she takes up carving as well.

The garage is a great place for that (since she doesn't have a car yet) as well as for the chemistry table she bought for Emile.

Emile the mad scientist.

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